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Parcel H

H: 04-00-019-117-037


Situated in the City of Avon Lake, County of Lorain and State of Ohio, and known as being SubLot No. 69 in Avon Point Allotment of a part of Original Avon Township Section 19, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 7 of Maps, Page 15 & 16 of Lorain County Records, and being a parcel of land 40 feet front on the Westerly side of Avon Point Avenue, and extending back 171.59 feet on the Northerly line, 171.63 feet on the Southerly line, and having a rear line of 40 feet, as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.

Freedom Realty

Barney Hartman - Broker/Auctioneer



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